Senate Change is Overdue!

Currently, the media focus is almost entirely centered on who will be President. The Democrats also need to focus on getting high quality candidates for the US Senate. Regardless of whomever Democrats manage to get elected President, if Moscow McConnell retains leadership of the Senate, those issues that are of critical importance to our democratic republic will not even get to the floor for a vote by the Senate.

Here’s how it is all likely to go down. Despite the importance of the words, “nobody is above the law”, Donald Trump will likely by impeached but not removed from office by the partisan Republican Senate. Even if Trump were to be removed, Pence will pardon him of all federal crimes the very next day, and, if William Barr continues to be the Attorney General, the DOJ will continue to prevent prosecution of Trump. The newly incumbent President Pence will pardon Donald Trump of all federal crimes the very next day. Pence doesn’t stand a snowballs’ chance in hell of being elected but it is possible that evangelicals would support Pence for the Republican nomination rather than the much better qualified candidate William Weld who would actually be a great chief executive.

A Democrat President with a Republican Senate will be a lame duck, getting nothing done. Singlehandedly, McConnell was able to stop the President Obamas’ nomination of Merrick Garland for the US Supreme Court to succeed Antonin Scalia, who had died one month earlier. That is not supposed to happen. From day one, McConnell strongarmed Republican Senators to commit to do everything they could to make the Obama Presidency a failure. Again, that is not supposed to happen.

Any of ten Democrat candidates, along with Republican candidate William Weld, would be a much better choice for President in the November 2020 elections than either Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Joe Walsh, or Libertarian Party candidates, or Green Party candidates.

Sorry, Libertarians and Greens and independents. but it is of critical importance to the future of our country that neither Trump nor Pence is elected President in November 2020, and we must end the McConnell and Republican stranglehold on the US Senate. We cannot allow the present lunacy to continue. Without strong party support, credibility, and backing of unaffiliated voters, your presidential candidate cannot succeed; not in 2020. Advice: Please get your parties and independent support stronger first, by recruiting superb candidates and nominating them for lower offices, including Congress, statewide, and local offices.

The bottomline is, our democratic republic of the people, by the people, and for the people, (note: corporations are NOT persons regardless of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v FEC), cannot continue to succeed with the current bi-partisan divide, and Republican control of the Senate. We must do all we can to get much tougher on corruption by elected and appointed officials.

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